1. A paper titled “ Neo-Colonial Power Hierarchies and the Strategies of Exploitation: A
Reading of Chinua Achebe’s Anthills of the Savannah” Litspark, October, 2011.

2. A Paper titled “ Ethnic – Hybrid Power Equations and the Strategies of Exploitation : A
Neo-colonial Reading of Chinua Achebe’s Anthills of the Savannah. S.H. Research
Journal of Business & Humanities, Dec. Issue, 2012.
3. A paper titled “ Globalisation and its Impact on Literature : A Reading of Achebe’s
Selected Novels. Litspark, October, 2012.
4. A paper entitled “Trans-cultural Dimensions of Fictional Representation: A Reading of
Chinua Achebe’s Anthills of the Savannah” as part of two day UGC sponsored national
seminar on Arrival of Post Colonial Discourse in Cultural studies on 5 th and 6 th
December, 2013, organised by Department of English, St. Peter’s College, Kolenchery.
(Proceedings published with an ISBN number)
5. A paper entitled Negotiating Cultural Transitions: The Fictional Worlds of Chinua
Achebe and Joseph Conrad as part of one day UGC sponsored national seminar on
Postcolonial Perspectives in Language and Literature on 31 st January, 2014, organised
by Department of English and Foreign Languages, Bharatiar University,
Coimbatore.(Proceeding publication with ISBN)
6. Published a paper titled “Colonial Paradigm in the Western Narrative Angle: An
Evaluation” in IJELLH ( International, Peer Reviewed, Scopus Indexed journal)
November, 2014. (Volume II, Issue VII, November 2014 – ISSN 2321-7065) Page No.
27 – 34.
7. Published a paper titled “Neo-Colonial Power Equations in the Fictional World of
Chinua Achebe” in Galaxy International Journal ( International, Peer Reviewed, Scopus
Indexed journal) January, 2015.( ISSN: 2278-9529 Vol. 4, Issue I pp.142-144)
8. Published a paper entitled “ Cultural Motifs in Epistemological Transition: A Neo
Colonial Reading of Chinua Achebe’s Anthills of the Savannah and Joseph conrad’s
Heart of Darkness” in Carmel Blaze, A journal of Multidisciplinary Research July
2016. Issue1 Volume 8 Page No.46.
9. A paper entitled “Multiple Gender Repression in the Dark Continent: A Study on
the Women Protagonists of Chinua Achebe” in Distant Thunder: Voice of the
Silenced Edited by Brinda Bala Sreenivasan, published by Directorate of Public

Relations and Publications, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi.Page
No.34 December, 2014
10. Published a paper titled The Personal as Political: A Biographical Reading of ‘ I am
Malala’ as part of two day national seminar on Celebrating Gynergy: Women in Public
Domain on 13 th and 14 th March, 2015, organised by Amrita School of Arts & Sciences,
11. Proccedings of seminar entitled Re presenting the Female Self: A Critical Reading
of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee’s “ Raj Mohan’s Wife” as part of two day national
seminar on Celebrating Gynergy: Women in Public Domain on 13 th and 14 th March,
2015, organised by Amrita School of Arts & Sciences, Kochi.
12. Proccedings of seminar entitled Marketing Strategies in Transition: Evolution of
Women Entrepreneursship from ‘Direct’ to ‘Social Media’ as part of two day
national seminar on Celebrating Gynergy: Women in Public Domain on 13 th and 14 th
March, 2015, organised by Amrita School of Arts & Sciences, Kochi.
13. Published a paper titled Cultural Motifs in Epistemological Transition: A Neo
colonial Reading of Chinua Achebe’s Anthills of the Savannah and Joseph Conrad’s
Heart of Darkness in Carmel Blaze, a Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (ISSN
2349 0217) Vol-8 Issue -1 July2016.
14. Published a paper titled Marketing Strategies in Transition: Evolution of Women
Entrepreneursship from ‘Direct’ to ‘Social Media’ in Research Revolution(A
Double Blind, Peer Reviwed International Journal) Impact Factor 4.472 April,2015
Page Nos.71-73
15. Published a paper titled A study of the Multitudinous Languages in Amitav Ghosh’s
‘Sea of Poppies’in Research Revolution(A Double Blind, Peer Reviwed International
Journal) Impact Factor 5.007 April,2016 Page Nos.22-24

Books Edited
1. Students Activity Book titled “ Life Skills – I ” for Third Semester Students of
all Under graduate Courses.
2. Students Activity Book titled “ Life Skills – II ” for Fourth Semester Students of
all Under graduate Courses

3. Students Activity Book titled “ Life Skills – III ” for Fifth Semester Students of
all Under graduate Courses
4. Students Activity Book titled “ Verbal Skills – I ” for Third and Fourth
Semester Students of all Postgraduate Courses.
5. Students Activity Book titled “ Verbal Skills – II ” for Fifth and Sixth Semester
Students of all Postgraduate Courses
6. Compiled Questions on Verbal and Aptitude for Learning & Development
Department, Corporate & Industry Relations, Amrita University.
7. Students Activity Book titled “ Life Skills – I and II ” for Third semester,
Fourth Semester and Fifth semester Students of all Under graduate Courses in
Amrita ViswaVidyaPeetham University May, 2014
8. A Book on UGC- NET Coaching in English Language & Literature.( In Press)
9. A Book on “English for Campus Recruitment” ( in Progress)
10. Published the proccedings of the seminar titled “Down to Earth – Ecological
orientations in Literature and Arts” organised by the department of English and
Languages, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi. In April, 2014.(ISBN 13
11. Published the proccedings of the seminar titled “Celebrating Gynergy: Women in
the Public Domain” organised by Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi on
13th and 14th March, 2015. ( ISBN13 # 978-81-924422-6-6)